Ana Petkovska
Engineering Manager at Nexthink
PhD, researcher, software engineer, and a riot prrl

Engineering Manager at Nexthink
PhD, researcher, software engineer, and a riot prrl
In 2011, I obtained my bachelor's degree in Engineering and Information Technologies from
FEEIT at Ss. Cyril
and Methodius University, Macedonia.
The same year, I received a fellowship from the doctoral school for
Computer and Communication Sciences
at EPFL, Switzerland
where I started the doctoral studies.
Until 2017, I worked as a researcher and a PhD candidate at the
Processor Architecture Laboratory (LAP)
under the supervision of Paolo Ienne.
I mainly worked on research and development of new algorithms for logic synthesis,
mostly based on SAT solving.
In 2017, I obtained my PhD degree for the thesis entitled
"Exploiting Satisfiability Solvers for Efficient Logic Synthesis".
In 2018, I joined Nexthink
as a Software Development Engineer. While improving the build and release process for our application,
I discovered DevOps concepts and practices, and moved to roles as a DevOps Engineer from 2019 and
Team Lead of Engineering Productivity team from 2022.
Since 2023, I work as an Engineering Manager of the Developer Experience group in Nexthink. We drive initiatives to
enhance the developer productivity and experience by optimising the internal processes and tools.
Exploiting Satisfiability Solvers for Efficient Logic Synthesis
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Lausanne, Switzerland | 2017
PhD Thesis |
Canonical Computation without Canonical Representation
In Proceedings of the 55th Design Automation Conference (DAC)
San Francisco, CA, USA | June 2018
Conference Paper 7 |
| To appear.
Improving Circuit Mapping Performance Through MIG-based Synthesis for Carry Chains
In Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI)
Banff, AB, Canada | May 2017
Conference Paper 6 |
Fast Generation of Lexicographic Satisfiable Assignments: Enabling Canonicity in SAT-based Applications
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD)
Austin, TX, USA | November 2016
Conference Paper 5 |
Fast Hierarchical NPN Classification
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)
Lausanne, Switzerland | August 2016
Conference Paper 4 |
Heuristic NPN Classification for Large Functions Using AIGs and LEXSAT
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT)
Bordeaux, France | July 2016
Conference Paper 3 |
Best Paper Award Nominee
Improved Carry-Chain Mapping for the VTR Flow
In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Field Programmable Technology (FPT)
Queenstown, New Zealand | December 2015
Conference Paper 2 |
Constrained Interpolation for Guided Logic Synthesis
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD)
San Jose, CA, USA | November 2014
Conference Paper 1 |
Best Paper Award Nominee
Progressive Generation of Canonical Irredundant Sums of Products Using a SAT Solver
In Advanced Logic Synthesis (Editors R. Drechsler and A. Reis), Springer
Cham, Switzerland | 2018
Book Chapter 1 |
SAT-Based Optimization with Don't-Cares Revisited
Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS)
Austin, TX, USA | June 2017
Workshop Paper 7 |
ELVE: An Interactive and Extensible Visualisation Tool for Logic Circuits
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Design Automation for Understanding Hardware Designs (DUHDe)
Lausanne, Switzerland | March 2017
Workshop Paper 6 |
Fast Generation of Lexicographic Satisfiable Assignments: Enabling Canonicity in SAT-based Applications
In Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS)
Austin, TX, USA | June 2016
Workshop Paper 5 |
See ICCAD'16 |
Best Student Paper Award Nominee
Progressive Generation of Canonical Sums of Products Using a SAT Solver
In Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS)
Austin, TX, USA | June 2016
Workshop Paper 4 |
See Book Chapter 1
Majority-Inverter Graph for FPGA Synthesis
In Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Synthesis and System Integration of Mixed Information Technologies (SASIMI)
Jiaosi, Taiwan | March 2015
Workshop Paper 3 |
Constrained Interpolation for Guided Logic Synthesis
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS)
San Francisco, CA, USA | May 2014
Workshop Paper 2 |
See ICCAD'14
Enhancing Iterative Layering with SAT Solvers
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS)
Austin, TX, USA | June 2013
Workshop Paper 1 |
The publications on this website are made available to ensure timely dissemination of research results. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright unless otherwise stated, for example by a Creative Commons Licence. In most cases, these publications may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Programming I (MA, PH) with Prof. Jean-Cédric Chappelier.
EPFL, Switzerland | Fall, 2016
teaching assistant
Systems-on-Chip Architecture with Prof. Paolo Ienne.
EPFL, Switzerland | Spring, 2016
teaching assistant
Computer architecture with Prof. Paolo Ienne.
EPFL, Switzerland | Fall, 2015
teaching assistant
Systems-on-Chip Architecture with Prof. Paolo Ienne.
EPFL, Switzerland | Spring, 2015
teaching assistant
Computer architecture II with Prof. Paolo Ienne.
EPFL, Switzerland | Spring, 2014
teaching assistant
Computer architecture I with Prof. Paolo Ienne.
EPFL, Switzerland | Fall, 2013
teaching assistant
Computer architecture II with Prof. Paolo Ienne.
EPFL, Switzerland | Spring, 2013
teaching assistant
Algorithms with Prof. Ola Svensson.
EPFL, Switzerland | Fall, 2012
teaching assistant
Logic Circuits and Discrete Automata with Prof. Aristotel Tentov.
FEEIT, Macedonia | Fall, 2010
student assistant
Semester and internship student projects supervised together with Prof. Paolo Ienne.
Improving the Runtime of Exact NPN Classification using Shannon Cofactors
EPFL, Switzerland | Fall 2016
semester project
Interactive Visualisation Tool for Logic Circuits
EPFL, Switzerland | Fall 2016
semester project
Incremental Addition and Removal of Assumptions for Faster SAT-based SOP Generation
EPFL, Switzerland | Summer 2016
internship project
Speeding Up Exact NPN-Classification using Symmetries
EPFL, Switzerland | Summer 2016
internship project
Scalable Divisor Extraction Algorithm using Decomposition
EPFL, Switzerland | Spring 2015
semester project
Cube Generation for a SAT-Based Divisor Extraction Algorithm
EPFL, Switzerland | Summer 2015
internship project
Enhancing the Iterative Layering Algorithm using Incremental SAT Solving
EPFL, Switzerland | Summer 2013
internship project
Evaluation Methods for Iterative Layering
EPFL, Switzerland | Summer 2013
internship project |
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